(720) 938 – 2536


Welcome to Mason Works Press

Superior Publishing and Publicity Services

We have been publishing  since 2008 and offer:

Full Service Publishing

Best-Seller Campaigns

Publicist and Authority Services

Online Influence to Build Your Business

The Essential Steps to an Author’s Success Include:

Your Authority Online

Here are a few of the ways that we can support your Book visibility:

  • Author Press Kit
  • Social Media Author Pages or Groups
  • Video Book Trailers
  • Author Videos for your launch
  • Author Authority Marketing Plans
  • Target Market Research
  • Marketing Budgets
  • Author Associations
  • About the Author text for Amazon and your website
  • Book Description Copy
  • Book Reviewers and Testimonials
  • List Building
  • Book Awards


Why Choose Us

We’re a Marketing Company that Publishes…

Creating Your Author Platform

What is the purpose of your book? If you are like most non-fiction authors, your book it written about a topic in which you are an expert. It would be wonderful to sell hundreds of thousands of copies; however, unless you are a famous fiction writer this isn’t likely to happen. So what is the benefit of having a book? It sets you up as a leading expert in your field. It can make you the go-to person who clients will choose to work with over a competitor since you are perceived as the authority in your field. However, this won’t happen unless you already have your author platform in place before you launch your book.

The mistake most authors make is to either not have an author platform at all or wait too long to even think about how the book can help launch their business to the next level. A well-developed author platform can make the book launch also be a launching pad to rocket your business or profession to a whole other level.

Mason Works Press has years of experience developing powerful author platforms. That’s because we are primarily a marketing company. From the very start, we see your book as an integral part of a holistic marketing plan designed to develop you as the recognized authority in your field. Not only does this enable you to charge higher fees while attracting more clients, it can create additional revenue streams, such as speaking fees, workshop creation and ancillary product sales.

Our Author Platform is a completely customized plan that is targeted (and priced) to most effectively suit your individual needs. Here are common components that may be included in your platform.

  • Development of initial marketing plan for your book and business
  • Effective Author Bio creation
  • Set-up or optimization of social media, such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube and others.
  • Creation of a professional author press kit
  • Creating flattering photos and graphics to enhance your image
  • Creation of pre-launch strategy to presell your book
  • Create opportunities for being a guest on radio and/or TV shows
  • Guest appearances on podcasts and other online forums
  • Assistance in getting live speaking opportunities such as book signings or keynote speeches at selected conferences
  • Creation or optimization of your web site
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of all aspects
  • Creation of a book trailer
  • Soliciting reviews and testimonials about the book to use on Amazon, in your book, and on your web site
  • Creation of videos for your web site and other outlets
  • Creation of a blog and/or being a guest blogger on appropriate blogs




What is the advantage of working with Mason Works Press in this way? As a full-service marketing company, we don’t separate your book marketing from your business marketing. It all comes together to create a powerful package of you as the authority in your field. This prepares you to leverage the release of your book to have the maximum impact on your business while taking much of the pressure off you.

We work with you to determine what aspects of this platform you feel confident to create and which ones we will create for you. It is always a collaborative process that takes place during the book production phase so that everything is ready to take off once your book hits the (virtual) shelves!


Taking Your Authority Status to the Next Level

Writing and publishing a book is a wonderful accomplishment, and achieving best-seller status gives even more credibility to you as an author. Now the question is, what’s the best way to leverage your positioning as an expert in your field to create or grow your business exponentially?

The most important aspect of creating your book isn’t to make royalties from sales. It’s to use the book to be able to enhance your value to your potential clients and customers. Here are a few of the ways the book can help:

  • Book opportunities to speak from stage
  • Be invited to present on TV, radio, podcasts, and/or telesummit programs
  • Raise your fees
  • Gain more and clients with greater commitment
  • Increase your reach on social media
  • Sell your courses, trainings, or other offerings at a higher price
  • Gain added credibility among your peers

In the past, the only way to leverage a book was to go on an extensive (and expensive!) book-signing tour, meeting people one-on-one at the local bookstores and hoping to get a few minutes of coverage in the local media. Rarely does this approach even cover the cost of travel, what to speak of the value of your time invested in it.

Mason Works Press has created an entire program to help you leverage your book and your best-selling author status to create an entire platform to take your business to a whole new level. Each program is tailored to your book, your industry, your market, and your needs and budget. Here is an example of some of the things we offer.

  • Virtual author book tour
  • Booking on TV, Radio and Podcasts
  • Creating programs or courses from your book
  • Helping promote these programs via telesummits and/or webinars
  • Assisting with web site creation or updating
  • Assisting with social media platforms

This program is a complete collaboration. Working together, we will design a strategic plan you feel comfortable with (yet will stretch you out of your comfort zone). You will be required to show up as the expert author who is excited to share your message with the world. We will coach you in terms of knowledge, expertise, experience and energy; however, the results you achieve will ultimately be determined by your commitment to making the campaign a long-term success.

What We Do

To Get You Published Quickly and Professionally

Professional Writing and Editing

Our Experts will work with you to make sure that your book flows properly and is ready to go. 

Construct a Remarkable Interior and Cover

Our award winning designers are experts at layout and cover design. 

Online Upload

Together we discover the best way to market your book so your audience can find you. 

Amazon Bestseller Campaigns

We have been helping authors to achieve their goals of being an Amazon Bestselling Author. 

Authority Publicity

We can book you on Radio, Podcasts, Summits, TV and more!

Create More Products

We can help you make more products from your book: Journals, Card decks and Online Classes.

Got a Project in Mind?

Let’s Work Together!

Contact Us

Call us at (720) 938-2536 or fill out the contact form at this website for a free consultation

Discuss the Works

Discuss the works with one of our marketing professionals and get an estimate

Leave the Rest to Us!

Let us help you design a website that actually grows your business!