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Want to Write Copy That Sells?

Feb 16, 2024 | Online Marketing

Did you know that just one single page of sales copy could earn you thousands of dollars? This is the power of copywriting.

If done right, your reader will be engaged with the text and moved to take action.

Copywriting is used in all forms of media and it’s an important skill that you can learn and develop.

Here are 10 tips to Improve Your Copywriting:

  1. Keep it Simple. Copywriting shouldn’t contain unnecessary or complicated words. If you want to appeal to a wider audience, avoid technical jargon and if you want to go global, steer clear of colloquialisms that won’t be understood outside of your country. Keeping it simple will ensure the clarity of your copy. If it’s not clear, your message will miss the mark and your copy won’t get results you’re looking for.
  2. Research Thoroughly. Copywriters spend more time researching than writing. A great deal of information needs to be gathered to write a single page of copy. Research your target audience and their needs along with your product, and the market before you start writing.
  3. Focus on Solving Problems. The best practice for copywriting is to put your users and their needs first. Think of the product you’re selling as a solution to a problem. Show the reader that you understand the problem they’re facing, and then explain the solution you’re offering.
  4. Paint a Picture. Your copy should be about the benefits your customers will receive when then buy the product. It shouldn’t be all about the product features. Paint a picture for the reader of what their life will be like after using the product.
  5. Erase More. The best copy is lean and concise. Wordiness clutters up the copy and makes it harder to read. When you think you’re finished, look again for anywhere you can cut out overused, vague or redundant words that you don’t need.  
  6. Pique Interest and Curiosity. Copywriting superstar David Ogilvy said, “Speak the truth, but make it interesting.” Try to find ways to make your work more interesting and exciting. Use curiosity to get the reader to move down the page.
  7. Appeal to Emotion. It’s emotion that sells, not cold, hard facts. Identify the emotions that are most motivating to your audience and use them in your copy.
  8. Develop a Process. Copywriters don’t thrive on creativity and inspiration alone. Each has a process they use to gather information and write their copy. Over time, you’ll learn what works for you and refine your process.
  9. Hurry up and Get Started. Don’t spend too long thinking about what you’re going to write. As soon as you have a phrase or other idea come to mind, be sure to note it down. Planning and research are important for copywriting but so is sudden inspiration.
  10. Test Your Copy Before You Go Live. Use A/B testing to perfect your copy. A/B testing means running two versions of the same copy to see which performs better. This will help you figure out how to tweak your copy for maximum performance.
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